Companion Collateral

Effective enrollment communication campaigns rely on a multi-channel strategy. The good news is that a plan doesn’t have to be complicated, and our packages take the guesswork out of the equation.

Going Beyond the Guide

At Implico, we understand that effective enrollment campaigns require a strategic, multi-channel approach to engage and inform seamlessly. Our commitment is to help you eliminate the guesswork – helping you to create a tailored, impactful campaign.

Our goal is to establish a consistent and recognizable brand for your benefits program beyond the benefits guide, providing a diverse range of tools and resources. Whether you need eye-catching postcards, impactful posters, dynamic PowerPoint templates, detailed rate sheets, or convenient wallet cards, we’ve got your entire campaign covered.


Discover how Open Enrollment can be a streamlined, impactful process.

Benefits-at-a-Glance (BAAG) Brochures $2,000, $875 – perfect for open enrollment or recruiting needs. View 4-page BAAG, 2-page BAAG.

Posters and Postcards $850 – announce Open Enrollment dates, meetings and other key company messages and help ensure spouses and family members don’t miss out. View Posters, Postcards.

PowerPoint Presentations $750, $3,500 – choose from 3-slide design templates or complete Open Enrollment presentations with slides and speaker notes. View 3-Slide Deck, Complete Open Enrollment Presentation.

Email Banners $500 – tie your Open Enrollment campaign together. Our email banners can be sized for emails or newsletter communications. View Email Banners.


Wallet Cards $500 – provide a convenient way to carry benefits information without fumbling through multiple documents to find important information. View Wallet Cards.

Rate Sheets $500 – provide employees with a quick and easy way to identify costs, and contributions. View Rate Sheets.

Onboarding PPT $3,500 – A strong employee onboarding experience sets up new hires for success and drives retention. Our Onboarding PPT helps to make a great first impression, communicate company culture, and optimize productivity with a smooth onboarding program. View the Onboarding PPT.

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